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Organization and Management


The Forum for African Seed Testing (FAST) is a forum of both public and private seed testing and quality assurance organizations and focuses on strengthening the capacity of members to carryout seed quality testing and quality assurance for national, regional and international trade.


Since its inception in March 2011 in Bamako, Mali, the African Union Commission (AUC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States (FAO) offer their unconditional support for the proper functioning of the FAST and the expansion of its activities through the entire African territory.


The FAST is managed and directed by an Executive Committee comprinsing of a Chairman, the first and second Vice Chairmen and five members at large all of who are Designated Members of FAST and who shall meet from time to time as per laid down frequency.


The FAST Secretariat is headed by an Executive Secretary who has been assisted by all small staff to be decided by the Executive Committee.



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